If you are really looking for a great way to unplug and unwind, you should try camping off the grid. Camping this way involves finding ways to sustain yourself while camping without needing hookups. Below, we’ll show you how to camp off the grid!

What is the Grid?
Before camping off the grid, you need to understand what “the grid” refers to. Generally, the grid refers to the electrical grid. However, if you are truly looking to go “off the grid” as most campers do, you’ll have to unplug from all hookups for your RV.
Off the Grid Energy
There are a few ways to run your RV off the grid while still enjoying the benefits of some electrical features. Most RVs nowadays come equipped with solar panels, so it’s easy to add additional panels after purchase and increase the power you can pull. Additionally, you can use suit-case-style solar panels and other equipment like Pocket Juice to charge your phone and gadgets.
Clean Water While Camping
You can pack along bottled water for short-term off-the-grid camping and fill your RVs fresh water tank before leaving home. When camping for longer periods of time, you’ll want to bring along a water filtration system. We recommend things like the Life Straw and water purification tablets to add to the water you have boiled to purify it.

Shop Off Grid RVs
At Parris RV, we have a great selection of RVs designed for camping off the grid. If you’d like to find the perfect travel trailer for your off-roading adventures, shop our off-road RVs.
Camping off the grid is a great way to unwind from the pressures of daily life. For more information or to find the perfect off-road RV, contact us today.