Find the perfect recreational vehicle for your family with the Palomino Puma RVs for sale here at Terry’s RV! With 26 different floorplans to choose from including both fifth wheels and travel trailers, you are bound to locate exactly what you need to fit your family and your budget. Let’s take a look inside these amazing campers in this Palomino Puma RVs review and see just what you can get.

Full At-Home Comforts
Regardless of which Puma floorplan you decide to get, you will have access to every at-home comfort you could possibly need. The full kitchen will come with all appliances including a double door refrigerator, and feel free to upgrade to stainless steel if you want! You will also love the innovative storage solutions that are built right in with the integrated spice rack and knife rack.

The main area will also feature the living room where you can sit back and relax. Find comfortable furniture including a jackknife sofa with pull down drink tray and push back recliners. Plus, with options of adding a fireplace, an LED TV, and theater seating, you can truly make this space a room of luxury.

Sleeping For All
Depending on what Palomino Puma you need, you will find sleeping spaces for up to 9 people, and with the superior comfort provided by these campers, everyone is sure to rest easy. Enjoy the foam queen sized master bed each and every night, and for those bringing along more people, the addition of bunk beds will provide that much needed space.
No matter which of our Palomino Puma RVs you decide to get, they will all take your camping life to the next level of comfort. To find out more about these and any of our other new RVs for sale, be sure to contact us or stop by our location today!